Program Update: BBC World Service, World Have Your Say for June 25



Program details for World Have Your Say for Thursday, June 25.
Broadcast time: 10:00 ET

Today’s World Have Your Say program will feature conversation with people who knew Sen. Clementa Pinckney of South Carolina. World Have Your Say will speak to the following people who knew him personally to share anecdotes and memories of a man who was one the rising stars of African American politics:

Ari Johnson and her mother Pastor Vanessa Johnson in Blusston, South Carolina, who were good friends of Rev Pinckney and 2 others who died in last week’s shooting.

Gilda Cobb-Hunter, a social activist and a legislator representing Orange Burg County who knew Rev. Pinckney well since he was a college student.

James McLawhorn, a campaigner for taking down the confederate flag for many many years. He met Rev. Pinckney when he was a college student, and again as a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives. “The best way to describe him – he pursued a beloved community.”

Cornell William Brooks, president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), who knew Rev. Pinckney well.