Category Archives: Marketplace Morning Report

Ask listeners “What’s your number?” with Marketplace’s Economic Anxiety Quiz

Embed the Economic Anxiety Quiz on your website – new data available now!
Marketplace is offering an audience engagement opportunity tied to its election and economy reporting. For the past year, Marketplace has partnered with Edison Research to conduct quarterly national polls measuring how Americans are experiencing the economy. The results of these surveys have informed the Economic Anxiety Index—a number that helps describe how the nation’s economy feels on a personal level.

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Marketplace Offers Tools for Local Welfare Reform Coverage

Today marks “the end of welfare as we have come to know it,” when President Bill Clinton signed a bill that would dramatically transform the country’s welfare system.

Make a local connection by using the Marketplace database tool to pull charts, graphs and user-friendly information about how welfare spending has changed in your state since the passage of welfare reform. We call it: Your State on Welfare. Features include:

  • Both national and state-specific data detailing how welfare funds are spent (from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) presented as a data tool exclusively by Marketplace
  • Shareable and embeddable charts, graphs and other visuals that explore this important data
  • State pages that highlight key findings

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