APM Presents Specials July – September, 2024

News / Talk

Inheriting: Nicole & The Third Liberation Front

  • Broadcast Window: July 15 – September 30, 2024
  • Description: Nicole Salaver’s uncle, Patrick Salaver, was one of the leaders of the Third World Liberation Front at San Francisco State University in the late 1960s. This movement not only led to the recognition of the term “Asian American,” but also brought ethnic studies to colleges nationwide. She calls Pat “the Forest Gump of Filipino American history,” a significant, yet still largely unknown, Filipino civil rights leader who made a difference in the world. Now, Nicole wants to set the record straight and honor her uncle’s legacy, while building her own.

Off the Path

  • Broadcast Window: August 5, 2024 – September 30, 2024
  • Description: For years, Off the Path has explored spots from New York to Boston and beyond — everything from quirky roadside attractions to eccentric oddities to places with deep historical significance. This year, host Davis Dunavin is going to sea. We’re telling stories of submarines, lighthouses, white whales, sea monsters, and — of course — pirates. From old sailing ships to lighthouses, there’s just something special about the places that have nautical history and home to famous pirates — Captain Kidd, Black Sam Bellamy, William Fly. We experience their traditions through sea shanties and ballads of adventures at sea.

Love Across the Divide

  • Broadcast Window: August 23, 2024 – November 15, 2024
  • Description: Older singles are more likely than their younger counterparts to say it’s very important that online dating profiles include a potential partner’s ideology. Indeed, romantic relationships are built on shared values. But does this mean two people need to be aligned politically to have a deep connection and strong bond? Can one truly be considered liberal if they habitually swipe left on conservatives? In this special, Dating While Gray host Laura Stassi talks to older Americans about ideological differences and their role in making and maintaining romantic connections. She also taps expert voices to help all of us decide how and why to navigate political differences in the pursuit of love.

And don’t forget these specials that will be continuing through the summer…

How Does the Russian Propaganda Machine Work? Are There Lessons for the United States?

  • Broadcast Window: Now – July 31, 2024
  • Description: From Audible podcast, In the Room with Peter Bergen, a new special about that state of journalism in Russia. Objective reporting about the war in Ukraine is now against the law in Russia and journalists can’t even use the word “war” in their stories. But it wasn’t always like this. Two veteran Russian journalists, who’ve experienced the changes firsthand, explain what’s happened and how “fake news” has helped solidify authoritarian rule in Russia.

Early Risers: Breaking Silence

  • Broadcast Window: Now – September 4, 2024
  • Description: In this hour, early childhood experts from around the country talk about the reasons many caregivers are not venturing into conversations about race, racism and cultural diversity and we look at the impact that has on our children, other BIPOC adults, and our early childhood programs. Finally, we explore ways to break down those barriers for the benefit of our children. We will answer the question- what is needed in our early childhood spaces to encourage the vulnerability and exploration caregivers need to enter into these essential conversations with young children?

Selected Shorts: Wishful Thinking

  • Broadcast Window: Now – August 31, 2024
  • Description: Summertime, and the living is easy, and if it isn’t, all you need is a charming trio of works curated by the producers of Selected Shorts about summer wishes and wishful thinking. Hear works from Zadie Smith (performed by the author), Carys Davies, and Ray Bradbury performed by Jane Kaczmarek and Sean Astin.