April Station Update


Upcoming format change to Marketplace Money

You’ll notice a change in the sound of Marketplace Money this coming weekend. Our personal finance program is moving to an all interview/call-in format. This move gives listeners even more of the sound financial advice they have come to expect from the show, with content specifically tailored to call-in questions. We’ll continue to feature a cadre of experts in the fields of taxes, debt management, retirement and investing, among other areas, who will offer timely and trusted advice to listeners.

Some of you have asked about our search for a new host for the show. We will share news with you on this front as soon as we are able.

If you have any questions, please be sure to contact your representative.


APMStations debuts a programming news stream

A new feature has been added to the APMStations site – a blog we’ve dubbed “APM News”. The latest news and information regarding APM programming is up and there are many different RSS subscription options – you can subscribe to the entire blog or to individual show types. Stay up-to-date on all the latest info on the programs your station carries, at your convenience.

We will continue sending emails regarding APM programming news, but the news stream is a great resource.

Some upcoming BBC special programs

The BBC has two upcoming documentary series to enrich your programming.

Egypt’s Challenge
Length: Six parts, 23 and 26 minutes each
Available to broadcast: Starting April 23rd

The Truth About Mental Health
Length: Six parts, 26 minutes each
Available to broadcast: Starting May 31st

Click here for more details on the series

Piano Puzzler Encore available to stations

Just a reminder, Performance Today’s Piano Puzzler is available as a stand-alone feature, in addition to being a part of PT. At 11 minutes long, the Piano Puzzler Encore can be easily programmed into any day-part (including morning and evening drive times), giving your station another opportunity to engage your audience with this popular show segment.

This free, 11-minute feature will be available each Wednesday for one week (Wednesday to Wednesday), complete with a rundown that includes a talking point suggestion for on-air use. Just look for “The Piano Puzzler Encore” in the ContentDepot.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either Brad Althoff, Managing Producer, National Classical Programs, at: 651-290-1345; or your Station Relations Representative.