Category Archives: Marketplace Morning Report

News/Talk Monthly: September 2024

The Splendid Table

Get those questions ready! Francis and friends will be taking your kitchen questions all fall including questions for Turkey Confidential! Record a question on your phone using your voice memo app and send it to us at or leave a voice message at 800-537-5252.

Feel free to copy and share this call for questions with your staff and listeners.


21 Questions with David Brancaccio
Learn some fun facts about Marketplace Morning Report host, David Brancaccio!

How We Survive
Kai Ryssdal will host the new season of the podcast “How We Survive” which launches Sept. 11th exploring what the military is doing to adapt to climate change. Excerpts of the series will air on Marketplace during the season, with the first airing in mid-September.

The Economics of Being Single Panel with Kimberly Adams
Kimberly Adams, co-host of “Make Me Smart” is heading to Denver, Colorado (Colorado Public Radio) on September 23rd for a live show on the Economics of Being Single. In her panel she will speak about the financial challenges of being single and what some wished others knew about being single. Listeners get a chance to submit their questions and may have their video featured at the event!

Marketplace Morning Report
David Brancaccio is on the West Coast this month working on two new reporting projects including Tricks of the Trade where he’ll be paying visits to the wild places known as markets. There, he’ll learn from deal-hardened veterans with long experience about the world of face-to-face human commerce. He’ll visit wholesale car markets, diamond markets, even job markets where people with skills connect with people looking to hire.

Marketplace Tech
Marketplace Tech closed out August on a high with its best performing Tech Bytes episode to date. What Telegram’s CEO’s Arrest Means for Tech has nine thousand views and counting. It’s a great milestone for the show’s video-first segment which began last October.

The limited series Decoding Democracy is back with senior Washington correspondent Kimberly Adams. This season she’ll talk to experts about what online misinformation narratives have emerged in this election cycle and what voters need to keep in mind before Voting Day.

The Daily

Election Coverage
The Daily has focused its energies on the 2024 election including robust coverage of both conventions, Biden’s decision to withdraw, and the launch of the Harris campaign. They sent muscular teams to both the RNC and DNC, along with a host. The result was lively and sophisticated coverage that traced the arc of each week and highlighted the analysis and context available from the NYT newsroom.

In the coming months, they’ll continue that focus with news-oriented episodes — breaking down NYT polling, discussing the debates, covering both campaigns. They ‘re also planning episodes on key issues, such as housing and immigration; companion pieces that explore those episodes through the eyes and voices of voters and partnering with the newsroom on macro issues such as voting access/infrastructure and mis and disinformation.

Staff News
Paige Cowett, a long-time editor, and deputy editor has been promoted to editor of the program. Paige has been with the show since its earliest days and has produced some of its most memorable episodes. She — like so many of the team — began her career in public radio, as a reporter and producer at WNYC. Paige will fill the position after Lisa Chow’s tremendous and meaningful tenure in that role. Lisa will remain with the show — she’s just shifting her focus to making episodes.

The Daily also welcomes Maria Byrne and Chris Haxel to the team. Maria is currently the supervising editor of The Journal from the WSJ, and before that had a long and decorated career at the BBC. Chris joins us from APM Reports. Previously, he worked on longform audio from NPR’s investigations team — including the series No Compromise, which he hosted and reported, and for which he won a Pulitzer.

Coming in September: The Breakthrough of ’48: When Civil Rights Won the White House

A new special from MPR News
Air window: September 26 – November 6, 2024
Length: One hour

During this historic presidential election season — when issues of race and states’ rights are prominent themes — comes a compelling radio program of national significance: “The Breakthrough of ’48: When Civil Rights Won the White House.”

At the 1948 Democratic National Convention, Minneapolis Mayor Hubert Humphrey demanded that his party “walk forthrightly into the bright sunshine of human rights.” Southern Democrats defected, creating their own Dixiecrat Party. But President Harry Truman ran for re-election as the candidate of civil rights, and his dramatic victory set the stage for the landmark civil rights laws of the 1960s.

Based on veteran journalist Samuel Freedman’s celebrated new book, “Into the Bright Sunshine,” this documentary uses first-person interviews and compelling archival audio to recall a pivotal moment in American history that remains relevant and revealing today.

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BBC World Service

Three Cities, Three Programs & Three Partners: The BBC US Roadshow
The BBC World Service will be touring the United States in September, bringing audiences live programming from Atlanta (WABE), Portland (OPB) and St. Louis (STLPR).

In the lead up to the US election, and working with partner stations across the US, The Roadshow will feature special broadcasts from NewshourThe Arts Hour on Tour and Unexpected Elements. The roadshow is a partnership between BBC World Service and American Public Media.

Gwenan Roberts, Commissioning Editor, BBC World Service, says: “We are thrilled to announce The Roadshow where we will bring three beloved BBC World Service programmes on a tour of the US, in what is a critical time for the country as it prepares to head to the polls in November.”

“We’ll be taking the temperature of all facets of life in the country by being at the heart of the action and demonstrating the breadth of World Service content across news, culture and science programming.”

Learn more about The Roadshow here.

APM Presents: September Specials

New for September

Continuing in September

For our full list of specials please visit our APM Presents homepage.

Reporting from Marketplace and APM Research Tailored to your Market

It’s not too late to get script-ready analysis of the national monthly jobs and unemployment report tailored to your market for use as web stories, on social media and on-air– just let your Station Relations Rep know and we’ll introduce you to “MERLEN” Marketplace Easily Reportable Localized Economic Numbers, a collaboration by APM Research LabMarketplace and APM Distribution.

Our beta group for this project includes KNOW, KCFR, KPCC/LAist, WGCU, WFDD and WVXU. We’re thrilled to contribute to local reporting in this way and hope to expand the program to include YOU!

Welcome Additions

  • WCBU (Peoria, IL) – BBC Newshour
  • WGLT (Bloomington, IL) – BBC Newshour
  • WCMU (Mt Pleasant, MI) – BBC Climate Watch
  • KVPR (Fresno, CA) – BBC Unexpected Elements

2024 Fall Fundraising Package

It’s fall member drive time again and we have a new batch of fundraising assets available for you to use. If you don’t find what you need below, please submit a custom request.

This year’s fall 2024 fundraising tools include:

  • BBC Newshour – new feature segments for pitching around the program
  • The Daily – two new evergreen episodes for use in pledge drives.
  • Performance Today – new promos and long-form, in-studio segments.
  • On Point – 7 new promos voiced by Meghna Chakrabarti
  • The Splendid Table – new fundraising episode hosted by Francis Lam

All assets are available now on ContentDepot. Subscribe to the fundraising program pages today and receive all future updates for each program. Visit the ‘Episodes’ section of the pages below to download the new promos.

We are aware of the changes coming to ContentDepot tomorrow that will allow these assets to be consolidated on the program pages. APM will take a look at the new functionality and will communicate any migration of these assets at a future date.

Check out the links below, and if you have any questions please reach out to your station relations representative.


BBC World Service

  • 8 new featured BBC Newshour segments


  • 6 new promos voiced by Kai Ryssdal

Marketplace Morning Report

  • 6 new promos voiced by David Brancaccio

Marketplace Tech

  • 4 promos voiced by Meghan McCarty Carino

The Daily

  • 4 new promos voiced by Michael Barbaro and Sabrina Tavernise
  • 2 shortened evergreen episodes (including promos) to pitch around

On Point

  • 7 new promos voiced by Meghna Chakrabarti


Classical 24

  • 7 new promos voiced by hosts Valerie Kahler, Lynne Warfel, Scott Blankenship, Steve Seel, Jillene Khan and Kevin O’Connor

Performance Today

  • 4 new promos voiced by Fred Child
  • 4 long in-studio segments (11:00-14:00) with guest artists


  • 5 new promos voiced by Michael Barone


  • 5 new promos voiced by Steve Seel

Arts & Culture

The Splendid Table

  • 1 new, fundraising episode

We welcome your fundraising questions and feedback! Please contact your Station Relations Representative.

Brexit coverage from BBC World Service, Marketplace – UPDATED

While the U.K.’s departure date from the E.U. remains tenuous, audiences can expect more coverage, context and analysis from the BBC World Service and Marketplace in the weeks to come:

BBC World Service

  • Beginning Monday, March 24: BBC World Service will report from locations across the U.K. and Europe throughout the main news programs, including Newshour, World Update, BBC OS and Newsday.
  • Friday, March 29: Newshour at 4:06-4:59 p.m. ET will be followed by a two-hour news special from 5:06-6:59 p.m. ET. Both programs will focus on Brexit, with additional details to follow.
  • Saturday, March 30: Newshour will broadcast live from parts of England most likely to be impacted by the change in regulations on trade and movement of people. At 7:06-7:59 a.m. ET, there will be a special call-in edition of BBC OS, where listeners can share their thoughts about the U.K.’s decision.
  • Sunday, March 31: Tentative, special edition of The Food Chain, exploring food supply and production, and the economics of one of Europe’s most integrated industries. Plus, Brexit will be covered within the main news and business programs on the World Service throughout the weekend.
  • Monday, April 1: Newsday will be in Europe asking what’s next after the separation and what lies ahead for the remaining 27 states. Newshour and other news programs will continue to provide reporting from Brussels and beyond as the reality of the new situation unfolds for both sides.


  • Wednesday, March 27-Friday, March 29: Marketplace host Kai Ryssdal will broadcast live from BBC’s London studios to cover what will be one of the most significant events in the economic history of the European Union – the termination of the U.K.’s membership in the E.U.
    • Remotes from London will focus on  the big economic picture and the small moments – an immersive exploration of the timely tensions and questions intrinsic to the modern global economy: Who deserves what and why? How do we interact with each other as countries and individuals?
    • Kai will be on the ground with the decision makers, and the real people outside the studio, asking them to share their personal, emotional and humorous stories, and how they live, work, spend their money, think about their future – and how they’re making it in this new normal of global uncertainty.
  • Feature stories will likely be heard on Marketplace Morning Report from the BBC World Service (5:51 a.m. ET) and Marketplace Morning Report (hourly, from 6:51-10:51 a.m. ET) on Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28.

Programming details are subject to change as news breaks, and the BBC will cover proceedings as they happen.

Please watch for additional messages via ContentDepot, and please contact your Station Representative with any questions.

Marketplace examines our 30-year drug crisis – UPDATED

Beginning Thursday, March 21, Marketplace will report on how U.S. drug policies enacted during the crack epidemic 30 years ago continue to impact the opioid epidemic today.

The third season of the Marketplace Wealth & Poverty Desk podcast, The Uncertain Hour, will explore the drug crisis, but your audiences will hear radio-only feature stories, excerpts and interviews on Marketplace broadcasts from Thursday, March 21 through Thursday, April 25, and  Marketplace Morning Report broadcasts each Friday, from March 22 through April 19.

Here’s what your audiences will hear on our evening broadcasts, in addition to the day’s economic news and numbers from Kai:

  • Thursday, March 21: Launch – Q&A (Molly Wood, Krissy Clark)

Molly asks Krissy what season three of The Uncertain Hour is about.

Today, we’re in the midst of the worst drug crisis our country has ever faced – the opioid epidemic. This season, we’re asking the question: How do you end a drug epidemic?

  • Friday, March 22: Looking back to crack (Krissy Clark)

Thirty years ago, George H.W. Bush held the first televised address of his presidency from the Oval Office. He used it to declare war on the “gravest domestic threat facing our nation today” – drugs – by holding up an actual baggie of crack he said was seized in a drug bust in the park right across from the White House.

We’ll share the strange tale of how Bush got the crack in the first place (spoiler: the real story is far different from the one Bush told that night), and why that speech still reverberates through our drug policy today.

  • UPDATED – Tuesday, March 26: The history of the anti-drug PSAs (Peter Balonen-Rosen)

Arizona is betting on shock to keep teens away from opioids, spending more than $400,000 on ads with a “horror movie feel.” Marketplace’s Peter Balonon-Rosen has the story on the history of anti-drug ads and how they’ve evolved.

  • Thursday, April 4: Profile of Bucky Culbertson (Caitlin Esch)

You can trace the booms and busts of Appalachian Virginia through one man’s career. Bucky Culbertson has worked in all the region’s defining industries: coal, lumber, and finally drug enforcement.

Wise County, in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, has some of the highest prescription opioid rates in the country. In 2015, one small town had five prescriptions for every man, woman and child.

These days, Bucky builds cases against low-level street dealers, and sometimes, takes down a big fish – like the doctor who wrote 64,000 prescriptions, many to the area’s top drug dealers. But as pain pills become harder to buy on the street, new drugs move in to fill the void – opioids like heroin and fentanyl and stimulants like methamphetamine. We’ll get to know Wise through one man and his career trajectory.

  • Thursday, April 11: Wise Works (Caitlin Esch)

If you drive around Wise County, you’ll see people mowing the lawn in front of the courthouse, painting lines on the little league field, or working the front desk at the local community college library. These are not paid employees. They’re working off drug charges. Wise County is sick of sticking people in jail for low-level drug offenses, costing $30 per day, per inmate.

For the past 15 years, Wise has been dealing with the opioid epidemic largely through the criminal justice system. The jail population has more than doubled and spending on the jail has tripled, even as the county’s overall population (and tax base) has declined. The county’s defining industry, coal, now pays just one-tenth the taxes it once did to the county. Schools have been consolidated and property tax raised.

All of this has gotten Wise thinking of creative ways to save money. Wise Works is a program where people convicted of low-level drug felonies work off their charges instead of sitting in jail “eating Twinkies,” as the Commonwealth’s Attorney puts it. It might seem lenient compared to a two-year jail sentence, but it’s still punitive. Participants work for hundreds – even thousands – of hours without pay. They pay hundreds of dollars in court fines and fees, they lose their license and they have to plead guilty to felony charges. How’s this approach working out?

  • Thursday, April 18: Building a rehab clinic (Caitlin Esch) – TENTATIVE

Everyone in Wise County seems to agree – you cannot jail your way out of a drug epidemic. But what do you do instead?

Paula Hill Collins and Teresa Tyson are registered nurses and best friends since eighth grade. They drive a mobile health “wagon” (really an RV) through the hollers of Appalachian Virginia to bring healthcare to rural people who do not have health insurance.

For the past year and a half, they’ve been struggling to open an addiction clinic, so that they can treat the overwhelming physical and mental health issues they’re seeing in hundreds of patients. But they’ve run into every roadblock imaginable. This feature follows their triumphs and failures treating drug users.

  • Thursday, April 25: Profile of Joey (Caitlin Esch)

Joey Ballard represents what happened to Wise County when pain pills flooded it in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Joey was just finishing high school, driving around with friends, hanging out at Wal-Mart, occasionally smoking pot. Suddenly, pain pills were everywhere, and he gave them a try. He liked them a lot. Joey ended up marrying the stepdaughter of a local OxyContin dealer and for much of the next 15 years, he was using drugs and selling on the side.

Then, at the age of 34, Joey decided he had to quit. So, he left Wise County and moved in with his mother across the border in Tennessee. He found a job, met a girlfriend and bought a new used car. But can he manage to stay sober?

We caught up with Joey several months later at the county courthouse. He was there to plead guilty to some misdemeanors. He had returned to Wise County and had relapsed. This time, it was methamphetamine. Meth has become the drug of choice in a lot of small rural towns.

This profile looks at Wise through the eyes of Joey Ballard and explains how pain pills tore this county apart. And how once an epidemic starts, it’s hard it is to recover.

 Details on our morning broadcasts to follow soon.

We’re excited to share this highly relevant reporting on the drug crisis with your audiences. It offers new opportunities to cross-promote your Marketplace broadcasts and your local reporting on drug use, policies and campaigns.

Contact your Station Representative for more information, including:

  • A list of officials and agencies featured in the stories.
  • Photos from the series.
  • The regions with the most compelling opioid data, from D.C. to L.A.


New spring fundraising tools

As you look forward to warm spring days and member drives, we’re here to help with new fundraising assets to raise your audience engagement and revenue.

Segments are available now on ContentDepot. Subscribe to individual fundraising program pages now to receive all future updates.

New for spring 2019:

 All programs

  • Updated talking points for your live pitches are available now on ContentDepot (following each rundown on fundraising pages) and on our website (under ‘Fundraising’ on program pages).
  • New fundraising promo options (excluding BBC World Service and The Daily) include general, sustainer, sustainer upgrade, and thank you messages from our hosts; new spots are between 0:25 and 0:59.

 Live from Here

  • Fundraising episode with 13 interchangeable segments featuring Chris Thile and a variety of artists: David Crosby, Jon Batiste, Lindsey Buckingham, John Prine, Meshell Ndegeocello, Emmanuel Ax, St. Vincent, Jonathan Biss, Dessa, Cory Henry and the Funk Apostles, Vulfpeck, Tuneyards, Jeff Tweedy, Sylvan Esso, Snarky Puppy, David Rawlings, Willie Watson & the Fairfield Four, Parker Millsap, The Knights, Rachael Price, Gaby Moreno, Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan, Sara Watkins, Punch Brothers, Tracy K Smith, The Sklar Brothers, Jim Gaffigan, Chris Gethard, Joey Ryan, and Tom Papa.

 Performance Today

  • Long-form, in-studio segments with a variety of classical artists.

Visit the ‘Episodes’ section of the pages below to find new fundraisers, with suggested pitch points following each rundown:


BBC World Service (generic promos and pitch points)

The Daily (generic promos, pitch points and listener testimonials)


Arts and Culture

Live from Here (fundraising episode, pitch points)

The Splendid Table (6 promos with Francis Lam, pitch points)

Classical Music

Classical 24 (11 promos with C24 hosts, pitch points)

Performance Today (7 promos with Fred Child, 5 in-studio segments with guest artists, pitch points)

Pipedreams (6 promos with Michael Barone, pitch points)

SymphonyCast (6 promos with Alison Young, pitch points)

Custom Promo Requests

We encourage you to use our new fundraising promos, but we’re here to help if you need a custom spot. Please complete our custom promo form.

Due to ongoing production schedules, please allow 3-4 weeks for custom promo delivery, and up to 6 weeks for BBC World Service spots. Note: BBC World Service is prohibited by British law to make direct asks to listeners for monetary support.

New spring fundraising tools

As you look forward to warm spring days and member drives, we’re here to help with new fundraising assets to raise your audience engagement and revenue.

Segments are available now on ContentDepot. Subscribe to individual fundraising program pages now to receive all future updates.

New for spring 2019:

 All programs

  • Updated talking points for your live pitches are available now on ContentDepot (following each rundown on fundraising pages) and on our website (under ‘Fundraising’ on program pages).
  • New fundraising promo options (excluding BBC World Service and The Daily) include general, sustainer, sustainer upgrade, and thank you messages from our hosts; new spots are between 0:25 and 0:59.

 Live from Here

  • Fundraising episode with 13 interchangeable segments featuring Chris Thile and a variety of artists: David Crosby, Jon Batiste, Lindsey Buckingham, John Prine, Meshell Ndegeocello, Emmanuel Ax, St. Vincent, Jonathan Biss, Dessa, Cory Henry and the Funk Apostles, Vulfpeck, Tuneyards, Jeff Tweedy, Sylvan Esso, Snarky Puppy, David Rawlings, Willie Watson & the Fairfield Four, Parker Millsap, The Knights, Rachael Price, Gaby Moreno, Sarah Jarosz, Aoife O’Donovan, Sara Watkins, Punch Brothers, Tracy K Smith, The Sklar Brothers, Jim Gaffigan, Chris Gethard, Joey Ryan, and Tom Papa.

 Performance Today

  • Long-form, in-studio segments with a variety of classical artists.

Visit the ‘Episodes’ section of the pages below to find new fundraisers, with suggested pitch points following each rundown:


BBC World Service (generic promos and pitch points)

The Daily (generic promos, pitch points and listener testimonials)


Arts and Culture

Live from Here (fundraising episode, pitch points)

The Splendid Table (6 promos with Francis Lam, pitch points)

Classical Music

Classical 24 (11 promos with C24 hosts, pitch points)

Performance Today (7 promos with Fred Child, 5 in-studio segments with guest artists, pitch points)

Pipedreams (6 promos with Michael Barone, pitch points)

SymphonyCast (6 promos with Alison Young, pitch points)

Custom Promo Requests

We encourage you to use our new fundraising promos, but we’re here to help if you need a custom spot. Please complete our custom promo form.

Due to ongoing production schedules, please allow 3-4 weeks for custom promo delivery, and up to 6 weeks for BBC World Service spots. Note: BBC World Service is prohibited by British law to make direct asks to listeners for monetary support.

Holiday programming schedule

Here’s what audiences will hear on our regular programs next week.

Additional details, and/or programming changes, will be shared via ContentDepot.


  • Marketplace Morning Report: Live broadcasts
  • Marketplace Tech: Monday, Dec. 24 and Wednesday, Dec. 25 shows will include replays of this year’s favorite interviews on automation in the workforce, regulating tech companies, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence and battling fake news.
  • Marketplace (p.m.): Live broadcasts. Interview with Birchbox CEO Katia Beauchamp about the economics of subscription boxes (date TBD).

BBC World Service

  • Newshour:
    • Monday, Dec. 24-Friday, Dec. 28: Reports on the war in Yemen and its affects on the women who live there. 9 a.m. ET and 3 p.m. ET editions.
    • Tuesday, Dec. 25 editions include the annual quiz. James Coomarasamy tests Newshour presenters on their knowledge of 2018 events and newsmakers. Available for download on ContentDepot through Monday, Dec. 31.
    • Friday, Dec. 28: Correspondent’s Look Ahead 2019.  Lyse Doucet hosts this year’s discussion with BBC senior correspondents, who share their predictions for the big news stories of the new year. Available for download through Thursday, Jan. 3.

The Daily
Pending programming changes due to the potential government shutdown, audiences will hear encore episodes next week:

  • Monday, Dec. 24: Korea
  • Tuesday, Dec. 25: Climate change
  • Wednesday, Dec. 26: Family separation
  • Thursday, Dec. 27: Trump taxes
  • Friday, Dec. 28: Kavanaugh reaction, with new content, including reactions from teenage boys

Performance Today

  • Monday, Dec. 24 and Tuesday, Dec. 25: Holiday-themed music

The Splendid Table

  • Saturday, Dec. 29: Michael Solomonov, Philadelphia chef and author of Israeli Soul and Zahav, talks about Israeli food and disaster stories, and takes questions from callers with Francis.

Live from Here

  • Saturday, Dec. 29: Year-end compilation show with 2018 highlights

This week on Marketplace Morning Report: Dodd-Frank

This Wednesday through Friday, Marketplace Morning Report will air highlights from David Brancaccio’s interview with Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank, whose 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was enacted in direct response to the 2008 financial crisis. Interview segments will be aired on all feeds; promos are available now on ContentDepot.


Year-End Fundraising Promos Available

We have a variety of new promos available now for your year-end fundraising needs. Download 13 segments on ContentDepot.

Segments include:

  • Segments 1-4: The Splendid Table with Francis Lam
  • Segments 5-6: Performance Today with Fred Child
  • Segments 7-10: Marketplace Morning Report with David Brancaccio
  • Segments 11-13: Marketplace with Kai Ryssdal

Contact your Station Representative with any questions.

Custom promos are also available. Please complete our request form.